Tuesday, February 28, 2023

(code:16407) ~ Rare Jumbo Phra Pidta Mai PakYong With Silver Rian LP Hong & Holy Treasures BE2556.

Price: SOLD.

Code: 16407

Monk: Luang Phor Hong.

Temple: Wat SusanTungmon.

Special: Jumbo Phra Pidta Mai PakYong With Silver Rian LP Hong & Holy Treasures BE2556.

LP Hong - Wat SusanTungmon, is perhaps the most famous and powerful guru monk in Surin. He was ordained as a novice at the age of 18 and when 20 years old, he was ordained as a monk at Wat Petburi, Surin Province. After 3 months of ordination, LP Hong went on a pilgrimage in Cambodia and met many guru masters and studied magic with them. He spent 30 years on pilgrimage in Cambodia. LP Hong is a good monk and a magical expert. He is respected by a lot of people in Thailand.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Luang Phor Hong.
Temple: Wat SusanTungmon.
Special: This is Powerful & Rare 
Jumbo Phra Pidta Mai PakYong With Silver Rian LP Hong & Holy Treasures (Height 4.9cm) strongly blessed by LP Hong in year BE2556 for his 96 year old batch. Featured stunning of Wood carved Phra Pidta image with beautiful Wood Line at front of sacred Wood Mai PakYong materials. Featured with added sacred Holy powder at back with embedded a lot of Treasures, included Silver Rian LP Hong images, 2 Ivory Salika, 3 Gold Takruts, Phra Pidta Rian, LP Hong's Hair, Gemstones, Holy Stones, Relic, Kassa, Minerals, Holy powder and many more. Additional added Silver sheet with Chop Yant Code and have Chop 96 years old birthday of LP Hong. This carved Jumbo Wood Phra Pidta Mai PakYong is made limited pieces. This Jumbo Phra Pidta amulet is extremely valuable and highly collectible. LP Hong has been created and blessed this amulet follow the old Cambodia’s magic book. Supplied with Temple Box and casing. I strongly recommend to you.
Effect: LP Hong amulet has superb power securing good fortune in business affairs to the owner and Protection from bad things and dangers in your daily life, Enjoyed Peace and Prosperity, Overcome all obstacles in life, Good in business and overall good luck.

SOLD, Thanks for support.etdyh

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Contact me by Email/Phone: dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016-5555291
See Info of LP Hong & Temple Journey at:
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(code:16406) ~ Power Phra Rahu (Round Shape) Carved One Eye Coconut Shell & Carved Yants BE2558.

Price: SOLD

Code: 16406

Monk: Mass Chanted & Top Monks.

Temple: Wat Srisathong.

Special: Phra Rahu (Round Shape) Carved One Eye Coconut Shell & Carved Yants BE2558.

Wat SrisaThong is the main temple of Phra Rahu and this temple is famed around whole Thailand for sacred Phra Rahu. LP Kawau is current abbot of Wat Srisathong and is well know for his Visha and his amulets are highly collectible. He has been studied the art of making efficacious amulets and learnt the magic book from LP Noi.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Mass Chanted & Top Monks.
Temple: Wat Srisathong.
Special: This is Superb stunning of Phra Rahu (Round Shape) Carved One Eye Coconut Shell & Carved Yants (height 2.2cm) strongly blessed by LP Kawau & Top Monks in year BE2558. This batch of  Phra Rahu is carved from One-eye coconut shell and it's the best materials for making the powerful Phra Rahu amulet. Featured with sacred image of Phra Rahu at front and with sacred Hand Carved Yant at the back. This sacred Phra Rahu is created by following LP Noi 's Magic Book, who was the first monk who created style of Phra Rahu in Thailand and popular for his powerful Phra Rahu. I highly recommend to you. 
Effect: Phra Rahoo will change bad thing to good thing, Phra Rahoo will eating all of your bad luck, Get rid of bad stabbers and gossip, Protection from evil spirits, Phra Rahoo also will bring Prosperity and Money Luck.
SOLD, Thanks for support.gmtha
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Contact me by Email/Phone: dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016-5555291 . 

See more info for Wat Srisathong journey at:  
http://dhammapath.blogspot.com/search/label/Wat%20SrisaThong .

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(code:16405) ~ Shinning Big SeaShell Palakit With Specific Yants Nur SeaShell BE2565.

Price: RM150.

Code: 16405

Monk: LP Sin.

Temple: Wat Lahanyai.

Special: Big SeaShell Palakit With Specific Yants Nur SeaShell BE2565.

LP Sin - Wat Lahanyai, Rayong province is one of the Top Monk and powerful to created variety amulets included Phra Khun Paen, Phra Somdej, Phae (goat), Palakit, LoopOm and many many more. LP Sin went to Wat Lahanrai to ordained as monk at age 24years old. He studied Wicha magic from LP Tim Isariko, LP Pheng, abbot of Wat Lahanyai and LP Lard, Wat Nong Krabok. 
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: LP Sin.
Temple: Wat Lahanyai.
Special: This is Powerful of Big SeaShell Palakit With Specific Yants Nur 
SeaShell (Length 5.4cm) strongly blessed by LP Sin himself in year BE2565. Featured with Hand carved sacred Palakit shape and sacred Yants on the surface. This sacred SeaShell Palakit is made from sacred SeaShell materials and naturally shining surface. The sacred SeaShell is suitable for protection materials, the SeaShell is known as very tough, strong and hard, protective outer layer usually created by an animal that lives in the sea. LP Sin is one of the Top Monk to created the powerful of variety amulets in Rayong. Supplied with Temple Pack. I highly recommend to you. 

Effect: Best for secure good fortune in business, Great money Luck, Great charms and Strong in bringing up your opposite sex attraction, Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap, Harmproof and bring good authority.

MYR 150 - Powerful 
Big SeaShell Palakit With Specific Yants Nur SeaShell by LP Sin BE2565.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: 
dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016 5555291

See info for LP Sin and Wat Lahanyai temple journey at:  
See other temples journey at: 


(code:16404) ~ Amazing Wealthy Bucha 6"(H) GumanThong Golden/Blue Colours BE2555 By LP Yaem.

Price: RM300.

Code: 16404

Monk: LP Yaem.

Temple: Wat Sam Ngam.

Special: Wealthy Bucha 6"(H) GumanThong Golden/Blue Colours BE2555.

Luang Phor Yaem - Wat Sam Ngam, is highly revered and respected for his powerful mind developed from meditation and mantra, ancient astrology, traditional medicine, magic drawing and incantation, and of course his amulets and mindfulness in Buddhism way. LP Yam has knowledge of Visha (magic) and has been studied the art of making efficacious Guman Thong from LP Tae - Wat Sam Ngam.
Thai Amulet Code: 

Monk: LP Yaem.
Temple: Wat Sam Ngam.
Special: This is Superb Wealthy Bucha 6"(H) GumanThong Golden/Blue Colours (height 14cm) strongly blessed by LP Yaem in year BE2555. This sacred Powerful Wealthy GumanThong - Golden/Blue Bucha is made from Holy materials with mixed 7 Cemeteries Soil, Bone Fragment and other Holy materials and painted Golden & Blue & Red colour with Hand Write Yant by LP Yaem's disciple at the GumanThong body. Featured with Chop Code and temple chop at bottom. Additional applied Holy powder and Gold Foil materials. Direct obtained by myself for revisited Wat Sam Ngam. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Superb power securing good fortune in business, Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Improve your luck and fortune, Protection from danger and bad things. Earn a good karma by worship GumanThong.
MYR 300 - Powerful Wealthy Bucha 6"(H) GumanThong Golden/Blue Colours by LP Yaem BE2555.
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Contact me by Email/Phone: dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016 5555291
See info of LP Yaem and Wat Sam Ngam temple journey at:
http://dhammapath.blogspot.com/search/label/Wat%20Sam%20Ngam .

See more information of other temple at:  

Monday, February 27, 2023

(code:16401) ~ Efficacious Colourful Butterfly King Thep JamLang & Sweet Tongue Salika Birds BE2564.

Price: SOLD.

Code: 16401

Monk: Kruba Krissana.

Temple: Wat Asromsatan.

Special: Colourful Butterfly King Thep JamLang & Sweet Tongue Salika Birds BE2564.

Kruba Krissana of Wat Asromsatan, he has been becomes a monk under Phra Kruba Pu who has been very well known in North of Thailand and he followed Phra Kruba Pu on tudong to Cambodia and Laos. Kruba Krissana spent 10 years studying Buddhist Holy Texts and practiced meditation in the forests and now Kruba Krissana is one of the best known in present day who is a guru master of unique Butterfly and Salika amulets style.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Kruba Krissana. 
Temple: Wat Asromsatan. 
Special: This is stunning Colourful Butterfly King Thep JamLang & Sweet Tongue Salika Birds (height 3.5cm) strongly blessed by Kruba Krissana in year BE2564. Featured with Colourful Butterfly King image and sacred Yants and Gemstones at front. Additional with Colourful Salika Birds (couple) holding sacred Takrut and Gemstones at back. Strongly blessed by Kruba Krissana and recite “Thewa Nakri" ancient magic. “Thewa Nakri” magic is great of kindness, charming and wealth. He use his Holy soil, 108 herbs and flower powder, Mong Kao, oil, and so on. Use long time to blessing and passed many rituals. An exciting flowers fragrance from this Butterfly & Salika amulet. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: This kind of Butterfly amulet will make you more attractive and charms, Sweet Tongue Salika will Attract Money to come, Improve your luck in business, blessing for prosperous fortune and wealthy. Dissolving disharmony and discord between people. Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims. 
SOLD, Thanks for support.m*hg*a
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank. 
Contact me by Email/Phone: dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016-5555291 

See more info for this Great Monk Kruba Krissana at:


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(code:16400) ~ Recommended Phra Somdej 214 Phi Pim Yai Nur Phong BE2545 By Wat Rakhang.

Price: RM180 For One.

Code: 16400

Monk: Mass Chanted By CK Tiang, LP Moon & others.

Temple: Wat Rakhang Khositaram.

Special: Phra Somdej 214 Phi Pim Yai Nur Phong BE2545.

Wat Rakhang is a famous temple for created efficacious Phra Somdej amulets since Ajahn Toh. My visited to Wat Rakhang the Royal temple is the second grade of Woramahawiharn, which was built during the Ayutthaya period.
Thai Amulet Code: 

Monk: Mass Chanted By CK Tiang, LP Moon & others.
Temple: Wat Rakhang Khositaram.
Special: This is Excellent of Phra Somdej 214 Phi Pim Yai Nur Phong (height 3.9cm) strongly blessed by CK Tiang, LP Moon and Top Monks at Wat Rakhang in year BE2545 for anniversary of Somdet Putthajarn Toh 214 years old (if still alive). This is the Rare of Phra Somdej 214 Phi Pim Yai and is made of sacred Holy Powder materials. Featured with stunning image of Phra Somdej at front and Temple Chop at back side for this Phra Somdej 214 Phi. Supplied with Original temple box. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Smooth sailing in life, Overcome all obstacles in life, Wealthy fetching, Good in business, Overall good luck, Protection from harm and danger, good opportunity and successful in everything that you do.    
MYR 180 For One (no:1 sold) - Powerful Phra Somdej 214 Phi Pim Yai Nur Phong by Wat Rakhang BE2545.
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 0165555291
See more temple journey of Wat Rakhang at:    
Or other temples journey at:   

(code:16403) ~ Great Magical Powers Bucha 3" Phra Upakut With Yants Sheet Nur Bronze BE2558.

Price: SOLD

Code: 16403

Monk: Kruba Noi.

Temple: Wat SidonMon.

Special: Great Magical Powers Bucha 3" Phra Upakut With Yants Sheet Nur Bronze BE2558.

Kruba Noi - Wat SidonMoon, a renowned master in Chiang Mai - northern Thailand. When Kruba Noi was born, his body wasumbilical cord wrapped. According Northern Thailand legend, he will a Buddhist monk and successor of Buddha. When he was 7 years old, he has been sent to temple to learnt Dhamma with Kruba Pad. Therefore he ordained a monk in year BE2507 by name Noi when he was 20 years old. He went to learnt many Dhamma and Visha from 9 Top masters.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Kruba Noi.
Temple: Wat SidonMon.
Special: This is Great Magical Powers of Bucha 3" Phra Upakut With Yants Sheet Nur Bronze (Height 14cm) strongly blessed by Kruba Noi in year BE2558. Featured image of Bucha 3' Phra Upakut with Lotus Leaf at Top Head with Phra Upakut Hand Holding Alms Bowl posture front. This sacred Bucha Phra Upakut is sitting on the Lotus with Ocean prawn, fish, snail and crab images at base. This sacred Bucha 3' of Phra Upakut is made from sacred Bronze materials and coated dark surface. Featured with added sacred Herb powder and sacred Holy Yants Sheet with series number at bottom. Kruba Noi is fame to blessed the Powerful Phra UpakutI highly recommend to you.
Phra Upakut was an Arahant who the Buddha praised for his Great Magical Powers, and who was said by the Lord Buddha to be the most powerful of all the Arahants. Before the Buddha entered Nirvana, he asked Phra Upakut to remain alive until the coming of Buddha Maitreya and protect the Buddha Sasana and the teachings of the Dhamma. Phra Upakut is still alive to this day, and resides in the middle of the Great Ocean, with a Lotus Leaf on his head and remain alive and rise to the assistance of the Dhamma whenever needed.
Effect: Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Bring Good Protection and Peace, Improve to strong business luck, your business can grow when everything is going your way.

SOLD, Thanks for support.epz
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016 5555291
See info Kruba Noi & Wat SidonMoon of temple journey at:
See more information of other temple at: 