Friday, July 5, 2024

(code:18336) ~ Beautiful Bracelet 'Roll' Butterfly King Thep JamLang With Temple Crystal Beads BE2567.

Price: RM90.

Code: 18336

Monk: Kruba Krissana.

Temple: Wat Asromsatan.

Special: Bracelet 'Roll' Butterfly King Thep JamLang With Temple Crystal Beads BE2567.

Kruba Krissana of Wat Asromsatan, he has been becomes a monk under Phra Kruba Pu who has been very well known in North of Thailand and he followed Phra Kruba Pu on tudong to Cambodia and Laos. Kruba Krissana spent 10 years studying Buddhist Holy Texts and practiced meditation in the forests and now Kruba Krissana is one of the best known in present day who is a guru master of unique Butterfly and Salika amulets style.
Thai Amulet Code: 

Monk: Kruba Krissana.
Temple: Wat Asromsatan.
Special: This is Excellent of Bracelet 'Roll' Butterfly King Thep JamLang With Temple Crystal Beads (height 2cm for amulet) strongly blessed by Kruba Krissana in year BE2567. Featured sacred of Butterfly King Thep JamLang (roll) with Butterfly Yants at front. Additional with sacred added Crystal Beads to make it as Bracelet to wear on wristBlessed by Kruba Krissana and recite “Thewa Nakri", the ancient magic for Great Kindness, Charming and Wealthy. He use his Holy soil, 108 herbs and flower powder, Mong Kao, oil, and so on. Use long time to blessing and passed many rituals. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: This kind of Butterfly amulet will make you more attractive and charms, Good Business Sales, Improve your luck in business, blessing for prosperous fortune and wealthy. Dissolving disharmony and discord between people. Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims.

MYR 90 - Powerful Bracelet 'Roll' Butterfly King Thep JamLang With Temple Crystal Beads by Kruba Krissana BE2567.
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide - Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Contact me by Email/Phone: / +6 016-5555291
See more info for this Great Monk Kruba Krissana at:

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(code:18335) ~ Beautiful Bracelet 'Roll' Butterfly King Thep JamLang With Temple Crystal Beads BE2567.

Price: RM90.

Code: 18335

Monk: Kruba Krissana.

Temple: Wat Asromsatan.

Special: Bracelet 'Roll' Butterfly King Thep JamLang With Temple Crystal Beads BE2567.

Kruba Krissana of Wat Asromsatan, he has been becomes a monk under Phra Kruba Pu who has been very well known in North of Thailand and he followed Phra Kruba Pu on tudong to Cambodia and Laos. Kruba Krissana spent 10 years studying Buddhist Holy Texts and practiced meditation in the forests and now Kruba Krissana is one of the best known in present day who is a guru master of unique Butterfly and Salika amulets style.
Thai Amulet Code: 

Monk: Kruba Krissana.
Temple: Wat Asromsatan.
Special: This is Excellent of Bracelet 'Roll' Butterfly King Thep JamLang With Temple Crystal Beads (height 2cm for amulet) strongly blessed by Kruba Krissana in year BE2567. Featured sacred of Butterfly King Thep JamLang (roll) with Butterfly Yants at front. Additional with sacred added Crystal Beads to make it as Bracelet to wear on wristBlessed by Kruba Krissana and recite “Thewa Nakri", the ancient magic for Great Kindness, Charming and Wealthy. He use his Holy soil, 108 herbs and flower powder, Mong Kao, oil, and so on. Use long time to blessing and passed many rituals. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: This kind of Butterfly amulet will make you more attractive and charms, Good Business Sales, Improve your luck in business, blessing for prosperous fortune and wealthy. Dissolving disharmony and discord between people. Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims.

MYR 90 - Powerful Bracelet 'Roll' Butterfly King Thep JamLang With Temple Crystal Beads by Kruba Krissana BE2567.
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide - Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Contact me by Email/Phone: / +6 016-5555291
See more info for this Great Monk Kruba Krissana at:

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(code:18334) ~ Phra Thewarat JatuKham RamaThep Roon Khot Ruay Ruay Nur Mixed Phong BE2550.

Price: RM90 For One.

Code: 18334

Monk: Top Monks Mass Blessed.

Temple: City Pillar Lak Muang & Wat Mahathat - Nakhon Si Thammarat.

Special: JatuKham RamaThep Roon Khot Ruay Ruay Nur Mixed Phong BE2550.

Wat Mahathat is Royal First Class temple in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Southern of Thailand. This temple is Origin temple of Jatukham Ramathep and formerly known as Wat Phra BoromThat. Wat Mahathat is enshrined the Buddha Relic at the Great Unshadow Chedi. This stunning amulet was strongly blessed by Top Monks in Grand Ceremony that hold at Lak Muang - City Pillar and Wat Mahathat - Nakhon Si Thammarat.
Thai Amulet Code: 

Monk: Top Monks Mass Blessed.
Temple: City Pillar Lak Muang & Wat Mahathat - Nakhon Si Thammarat.
Special: This is Powerful JatuKham RamaThep Roon Khot Ruay Ruay Nur Mixed Phong (Height 5.4cm) strongly blessed by Top Monks in Phutthapisek Ceremony by conducted at Lak Muang & Wat Mahathat in year BE2550. Featured stunning image of Jatukham Ramathep image (Golden Mask) and sacred Naga Phayanak at front. Additional with stunning image of Temple Chedi and 12 Animal Zodiac at back and Chop Code at bottom. This batch of Jatukham RamaThep is made with sacred Nur Mixed Holy Powder materials and added Golden Brass Mask at front. Highly collectible, in excellent condition and entirely genuine. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.

Effect: Fulfill your Wishes and helps Achieve your aims, Strong blessing Fortune and Wealthy, Protection from harm and danger, Smooth sailing in life, Overcome all obstacles in life, Good in business, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do.
MYR 90 For One - Powerful 
JatuKham RamaThep Roon Khot Ruay Ruay Nur Mixed Phong by Wat Mahathat BE2550.
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Contact me by Email/Phone: / +6 016-5555291
See Info Jatukham RamaThep & Wat Mahathat temple journey at:  
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(code:18333) ~ Excellent Phra Khun Paen 19 Silver Takruts Roon Mahasaney Koon Ruay Nur 108 Phong BE2536.

Price: RM180.

Code: 18333

Monk: Luang Phor Koon.    

Temple: Wat BanRai.  

Special: Phra Khun Paen 19 Silver Takruts Roon Mahasaney Koon Ruay Nur 108 Phong BE2536.

LP Koon is very good in dhamma and samadi, He also known to possess Wichah (magic). LP Koon's fame reached new heights in 1993, when a woman was pulled alive from the rubble of a collapsed hotel clutching an amulet with his image on it. Stories about of LP Khun's followers who have won the lottery.Luang Phor Koon chanted the most amulets in Thailand. Many temples and people would create the amulets and asked him to bless. Luang Phor Koon is very powerful in the Wichah (magic).
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Luang Phor Koon.    
Temple: Wat BanRai.  
Special: This is Superb & Powerful of Phra Khun Paen 19 Silver Takruts Roon Mahasaney Koon Ruay Nur 108 Phong (Height 4.8cm) strongly blessed by LP Koon in year BE2536. This Special batch Phra Khun Paen image at front, sacred Yants at back side and added total 19 Silver Takruts at both side. This sacred Phra Khun Paen Mahasaney Koon Ruay is made from sacred 108 Holy Powder materials and added sacred LP Koon's Hair, sacred Gemstones, Rae Mineral Dust and Kassa Jivorn materials. I highly recommend to you.

Effect: Increase luck tremendously, Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Good in dealing with ppl, Good in relationship, Improve to strong money luck and strong business luck, your business can grow when everything is going your way. 
MYR 180 - Powerful 
Phra Khun Paen 19 Silver Takruts Roon Mahasaney Koon Ruay Nur 108 Phong by LP Koon BE2536.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.  
Contact me by Email/Phone: / +6 016 5555291  
See more info of LP Koon & Wat Banrai temple journey at: 

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

(code:18332) ~ Most Anticipated Powerful Bucha 9" Phra Ajahn Tim Nur Bronze BE2539.

Price: Please Contact For Best Price.

Code: 18332

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.

Temple: Wat ChangHai.

Special: Bucha 9" Phra Ajahn Tim Nur Bronze BE2539.

Wat Changhai of Pattani province, is a very important temple of LP Tuad, the main Chedi are venerated the holy relics of LP Tuad. Currently consecrated many Efficacious and Powerful protection of LP Tuad amulets. 
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.
Temple: Wat ChangHai.
Special: This is Most Anticipated Powerful of Bucha 9" Phra Ajahn Tim Nur Bronze (Height 33cm) strongly blessed by Top Monks at Wat ChangHai in year BE2539. This sacred Bucha 9" Phra Ajahn Tim is made from sacred Holy Nur Bronze materials with coated Black RongDam on surface. Featured with sacred image of Phra Ajahn Tim and name details at front. Additional with embedded Yant Coin and Chop Code at bottom. This Powerful Bucha 9" Phra Ajahn Tim is very Rare and made limited pieces from Wat ChangHai. Don't hesitate to own it if you eagerly to have one. This is one of the Powerful Bucha Ajahn Tim, that I highly recommend to you.

Effect: Bring Good Luck and Fulfill your Wishes, Saving the lives of people from seemingly fatal automobile accidents, Strong protection from harm and danger, Overcome all obstacles in life.
Please Contact For Best Price - Powerful Bucha 9" Phra Ajahn Tim Nur Bronze by Wat Changhai BE2539.gptze
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Contact me by Email & Phone: / +6 016 5555291
See info LP Thuad & Wat ChangHai temple journey at: 
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(code:18331) ~ Most Anticipated Powerful Bucha 17(H)" Phra Ajahn Tim Holding Alms Bowl Nur Bronze BE2539.

Price: Please Contact For Best Price.

Code: 18331

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.

Temple: Wat ChangHai.

Special: Bucha 17(H)" Phra Ajahn Tim Holding Alms Bowl Nur Bronze BE2539.

Wat Changhai of Pattani province, is a very important temple of LP Tuad, the main Chedi are venerated the holy relics of LP Tuad. Currently consecrated many Efficacious and Powerful protection of LP Tuad amulets. 
Thai Amulets Code: 18331

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.
Temple: Wat ChangHai.
Special: This is Most Anticipated Powerful of Bucha 17(H)" Phra Ajahn Tim Holding Alms Bowl Nur Bronze (Height 43cm) strongly blessed by Top Monks at Wat ChangHai in year BE2539. This sacred Bucha 17"(H) Phra Ajahn Tim is made from sacred Holy Nur Bronze materials with coated Black RongDam on surface. Featured with sacred image of Standing Phra Ajahn Tim with Hand Holding Alms Bowl at front and name details at base (front & back). Additional with embedded Yant Coin and Chop Code at bottom. This Powerful Bucha 17"(H) Phra Ajahn Tim is very Rare and made limited pieces from Wat ChangHai. Don't hesitate to own it if you eagerly to have one. This is one of the Powerful Bucha Ajahn Tim, that I highly recommend to you.

Effect: Bring Good Luck and Fulfill your Wishes, Saving the lives of people from seemingly fatal automobile accidents, Strong protection from harm and danger, Overcome all obstacles in life.
Please Contact For Best Price - Powerful Bucha 17(H)" Phra Ajahn Tim Holding Alms Bowl Nur Bronze by Wat Changhai BE2539.jenyz
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Contact me by Email & Phone: / +6 016 5555291
See info LP Thuad & Wat ChangHai temple journey at: 
See more information of other temple at: