Sunday, November 6, 2011

LP Kloy ~ Wat PukowThong - Wealthy HoonPaYon Roon4 银 Silver BE2553.

Highly efficacious Wealthy Hoon PaYon Looplor Roon4 by LP Kloy BE2553. This all Solid Silver materials are with series number 7 & 'Yant Code' and only issued in all 29 Big Kamakan Set. LP Kloy is a top master for making Hoon PaYon being reported by local newspaper.

泰南巴達龍省高僧龍普Kloy 2553年供奉型魂帕庸, 身穿魯士虎皮法衣僅在一套百多尊佛牌的工作人員套牌中附送一尊, 不單獨出售. 製作量僅有29尊底部有加入佛寺和靠歐寺的聖土.佩戴型立體魂帕庸. 平面魂帕庸和師父手寫的符管每一尊魯士虎皮法衣的供奉型魂帕庸都的衣服上都有師父畫經文此魂帕庸供奉在家裡可顧家 防小偷偷竊和火災等供在做生意的地方則有招財和招生意的效果效力口碑相當好龍普Kloy製作的魂帕庸聞名新馬泰 深受藏家的喜愛加上製作量稀少 此供奉型的價格已漲了不少

LP Kloy - Wat PukowThong, the top master for making Poweful HoonPaYon, being reported by local newspaper. He (LP Kloy) has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. In addition, he strongly studies in Visha (magic) and making efficacious amulets from LP Ied of Wat Kow Or who was a very famous guru monk and deep knowledge of Visha and is highly respected in South of Thailand.
Thai Amulets Code: 1018
Monk: LP Kloy.
Temple: Wat PukalThong.
Special: This is Powerful Wealthy HoonPaYon Looplor Roon4 银 Silver (height 2.1cm) with Green Thread Pant, series number 7 and 'Yant Code' (made limited units, only issued in Big Kamakan Set). This HoonPaYon Looplor made from Solid Silver -银 materials and strongly blessed by LP Kloy in years BE 2553. This Special Silver HoonPaYon only Issued for big Kamakan Set and with Green Thread Pant, series number 7 and "Yant Code" at back. This Wealthy HoonPaYon is right hand holding Gold Sands, left hand holding Abundance Money Bag and bind with sacred Green thread. Many cases for this HoonPaYon helping the owner being reported by local newspaper since HoonPaYon Roon 1. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Bring more Wealthy and Guardian your money, Help in Business or career, Bodyguard-High Protection, Attract important people of higher power, Bring great auspicious, Look after the house or car.
SOLD, Thanks for support.jcz
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