Tuesday, March 31, 2020

(code:12168) ~ Old Batch Of LP Hong - Magical Lizard JingCheok Nur ThongDeang BE2548.

Price: SOLD
Code: 12168
Monk: Luang Phor Hong.
Temple: Wat SusanTungmon.

Special: Magical Lizard JingCheok Nur ThongDeang BE2548.
LP Hong - Wat SusanTungmon, is perhaps the most famous and powerful guru monk in Surin. He was ordained as a novice at the age of 18 and when 20 years old, he was ordained as a monk at Wat Petburi, Surin Province. After 3 months of ordination, LP Hong went on a pilgrimage in Cambodia and met many guru masters and studied magic with them. He spent 30 years on pilgrimage in Cambodia. LP Hong is a good monk and a magical expert. He is respected by a lot of people in Thailand.
Thai Amulets Code: 12168
Monk: Luang Phor Hong 
Temple: Wat SusanTungmon.
This is stunning & Powerful Magical Lizard JingCheok Nur ThongDeang (height 4.4cm) strongly blessed by LP Hong in year BE2548. Featured stunning of Magical Lizard JingCheok image at front and Yants at both side. Additional with Chop Code at back. This sacred Magical Lizard JingCheok is made from sacred ThongDeang materials. Supplied with temple paper and casing. LP Hong has been created and blessed this amulet follow the old Cambodia’s magic book.  I strongly recommend to you.

Effect: LP Hong amulet has superb power securing good fortune in business affairs to the owner and Protection from bad things and dangers in your daily life, Best windfall luck, Business success will soar, Make your sales soar beyond your competitors, Attract more love and friendship into your life, Smooth sailing in business.
SOLD, Thanks for support.czja

(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Contact me by Email/Phone: dhammapath@hotmail.com  / +6 016 5555291  

 See Info of LP Hong & Temple Journey at:
See more information of other interesting temple journey at:

(code:12167) ~ The Great Monk All The Time Of LP Moon - Locket LP Moon CheeTangRuay With 2 Silver Takruts Nur Enamel + Phong BE2562 By Wat BanJan.

Price: SOLD.
Code: 12167
Monk: Mass Chanted.
Temple: Wat BanJan.

Special: Locket LP Moon CheeTangRuay With 2 Silver Takruts Nur Enamel + Phong BE2562.
LP Moon - Wat BanJan, is well respected great monk of all time. He was noviced at age 14 and stayed at Wat Ban Jan and learnt wicha from LP Sida who had deep knowledges of wicha and dharma. Six years later he went to pilgrimage (tudong) after got ordained as a monk. He passed away in year 2003 at age 109.
Thai Amulets Code: 12167
Monk: Mass Chanted.
Temple: Wat BanJan.
Special: This Powerful of Sacred Locket LP Moon CheeTangRuay With 2 Silver Takruts Nur Enamel + Phong (Height 2.5cm) strongly blessed by Top Monks at Wat Banjan in year BE2562. Featured sacred Locket LP Moon image, sacred Yants and name details at front. Additional with added sacred Kassa Jivorn, 2 Silver Takruts and Sheet Chop series number at back. This sacred Locket LP Moon is made from sacred Nur Enamel materials and added sacred Holy Powder materials at back. The late LP Moon was a well respected Master monk by entire Thailand devotees and overseas devotees. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.   

Effect: Excellent to improve your Luck tremendously, Forever bring Prosperity & Wealthy fetching, Improve your luck and fortune and there is great power about fulfill the worshiper’s wishes, Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap.  

SOLD, Thanks for support.mzja
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016 5555291
See info of LP Moon & Wat BanJan temple journey at:
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(code:12166) ~ Big & Heavy - Big Phra ChowKorYo With Specific Yants Nur Mixed Metal BE2562 By Ajahn Klang Seng.

Price: SOLD.
Code: 12166
Monk: Ajahn Klang Seng.
Temple: Wat Khao Kut.

Special: Big Phra ChowKorYo With Specific Yants Nur Mixed Metal BE2562. 
Ajahn Klang Seng of Wat Khao Kut, Songkhla province is one of the Top Monks to created Powerful LP Tuad amulets. Many efficacious stories heard after wearing amulets from Ajahn Klang Seng, Soldiers who worn amulets from Ajahn Klang Seng were survived after a bomb attack. Ajahn Klang Seng is practicing Dhamma by not to speak. He only using pen to write down the answer for daily conversation.
Thai Amulet Code: 12166
Monk: Ajahn Klang Seng.
Temple: Wat Khao Kut.
Special: This is Stunning Big Phra ChowKorYo With Specific Yants Nur Mixed Metal (height 7.3cm) strongly blessed by Ajahn Klang Seng in year BE2562. Featured sacred image of Big size of Phra ChowKorYo Buddha, Chop Code and added Rae Gems (top) at front. This stunning image of Phra Chow Kor Yo is made from sacred Mixed Metal materials and unpolished surface. Additional with sacred Specific Yants, Chop Code and added Holy Powder + Cast Lotus Metal at back. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Increase Luck Tremendously, improve Wealth & Fortune, can change bad luck to good luck, protection from harm and bad influence and evil , Overcome all obstacles in life.

SOLD, Thanks for support.nzjea

(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: dhammapath@hotmail.com/ +6 016-5555291
See more information of other temple at:

Monday, March 30, 2020

(code:12164) ~ Popular By LP Prom - Tiny Phra Hanuman Squatting Posture Nur Mixed Metal BE2554.

Price: SOLD.
Code: 12164
Monk: LP Prom.
Temple: Wat Paranupat, Pattani province.

Special: Tiny Phra Hanuman Squatting Posture Nur Mixed Metal BE2554. 
LP Prom - Wat Paranupat - Pattani province. LP Prom get fame by his 'jumping Hanuman' amulets. During the consecrated the Phra Hanuman amulets were 'jumping' out from his amulet bowl. Many miracle experiences happened are reported by the Thai soldiers after worn LP Prom amulets. 
Thai Amulets Code: 12164
Monk: LP Prom.
Temple: Wat Paranupat, Pattani province.
Special: This stunning of Superb Tiny Phra Hanuman Squatting Posture Nur Mixed Metal (Height 1.6cm) strongly blessed by LP Prom in year BE2554. This sacred Tiny Phra Hanuman with Squatting posture image at front. This sacred Tiny Phra Hanuman is made from sacred Mixed Metal materials. Additional with sacred Chop Code and Chop series number at bottom. Supplied with original temple box. I highly recommend to you.

The specific verse for Phra Hanuman:
You are as powerful as the wind;
You are intelligent, illustrious & an inventor.
There is nothing in this world that’s too difficult for you;
Whenever stuck, you are the one who can help.
Effect: These Deva Hanuman is great of protection that can protect his owner from danger, bad things and black magic. Moreover, there are many superb powers in these Deva Hanuman such as bring Victory in your business, relationship and others.
SOLD, Thanks for support.rdja

(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016 5555291

See info LP Prom & Wat Paranupat temple journey at:
See more information of other temple at:


(code:12165) ~ Strong Thai Amulet Phra SangKaChai + Silver Takrut - Yant 'na' Nur Phong BE2554 By LP Prom.

Price: SOLD
Code: 12165
Monk: LP Prom.
Temple: Wat Paranupat, Pattani province.

Special: Forever Wealthy & Happiness Phra SangKaChai + Silver Takrut - Yant 'na' Nur Phong BE2554.
LP Prom - Wat Paranupat - Pattani province. LP Prom get fame by his 'jumping Hanuman' amulets. During the consecrated the Phra Hanuman amulets were 'jumping' out from his amulet bowl. Many miracle experiences happened are reported by the Thai soldiers after worn LP Prom amulets.
Thai Amulets Code: 12165
Monk: LP Prom.
Temple: Wat Paranupat, Pattani province.
Special: This is stunning of Superb Forever Wealthy & Happiness Phra SangKaChai + Silver Takrut - Yant 'na' Nur Phong (height 2.7cm) strongly blessed by LP Prom - Wat Paranupat in year BE2554. Featured very stunning image of Phra SangKaChai with Hand holding flabby belly at front and added Silver Takrut at base. This sacred Phra SangKaChai is made from sacred Nur 108 Holy Powder materials. Featured with sacred Yant 'na' and name details at back + Laser series number at bottom. Supplied with temple box. Highly collectible & entirely genuine. I highly recommend to you.

Effect: Forever Wealthy and Happiness, Increase luck tremendously, Good in business, Overall good luck, Metta, Family Harmony, Very good in protection from harm and danger, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do.

SOLD, Thanks for support.ydja
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied)Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank. 
Contact me by Email/Phone: dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016 5555291 
See info LP Prom & Wat Paranupat temple journey at:
See more information of other temple at:

(code:12163) ~ Power Of Double Face Phra Pidta + LP Kron (Tok Raja) 138 Phi With 2 Gold Takruts BE2558 By LP Keow - Wat Prutu.

Price: SOLD.
Code: 12163
Monk: LP Keow & Top Monks.
Temple: Wat Prutu, Wat HuiNgoh and Wat Kao Or.

Special: Phra Pidta + Tok Raja LP Kron 138 Phi With 2 Gold Takruts Nur Wahn BE2558.
Wat Prutu of Pattani province currently issued new batch of Phra Pidta Cobra 138 Phi with 'Tok Raja' style and ceremony led by LP Keow of Wat Hui Ngoh and mony other Top monks. Wat Prutu was built the big statue of LP Thuad at the temple compound.
Thai Amulets Code: 12163
Monk: LP Keow & Top Monks.
Temple: Wat Prutu, Wat HuiNgoh and Wat Kao Or.
Special: This stunning Efficacious Phra Pidta + Tok Raja LP Kron 138 Phi With 2 Gold Takruts Nur Wahn (Height 3.5cm) strongly blessed by LP Keow and other Top Monks in year BE2558 at Wat Prutu for memorial LP Kron (Tok Raja) 138 years old if still alive. This sacred Phra Pidta + Tok Raja LP Kron is made from Nur Wahn Holy Powder materials and added 2 Gold Takruts at both. Featured with sacred Phra Pidta image at front + Tok Raja LP Kron at back and with sacred Yants on both side surface and carved Code & series number at bottom. Supplied with original temple box. I highly recommend to you.

Effect: Wealthy fetching, Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap, Harmproof and bring good fortune especially business and authority, Improve your luck and fortune.

SOLD, Thanks for support.amdze
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: dhammapath@hotmail.com/ +6 016 5555291
See more information of other temple at:

Sunday, March 29, 2020

(code:12162) ~ Blessing Candles By Kruba Noi - Blessing Sado'kro Candles (3pcs) Ward Off Bad Luck & Blessing For Good Luck.

Price: SOLD.
Code: 12162
Monk: Kruba Noi.
Temple: Wat SidonMon.

Special: Blessing Sado'kro Candles (3pcs) Ward Off Bad Luck & Blessing For Good Luck BE2562.
Kruba Noi - Wat SidonMoon, a renowned master in Chiang Mai - northern Thailand. When Kruba Noi was born, his body wasumbilical cord wrapped. According Northern Thailand legend, he will a Buddhist monk and successor of Buddha. When he was 7 years old, he has been sent to temple to learnt Dhamma with Kruba Pad. Therefore he ordained a monk in year BE2507 by name Noi when he was 20 years old. He went to learnt many Dhamma and Visha from 9 Top masters.
Thai Amulets Code: 12162
Monk: Kruba Noi.
Temple: Wat SidonMon.
Special: This is Superb Powerful of Blessing Sado'kro Candles (3pcs) Ward Off Bad Luck & Blessing For Good Luck (Height 15.5cm) strongly blessed by Kruba Noi in year BE2562. Featured efficacious one pair of Blessing Candles and made from Specials Holy materials included Wax Honey of the Beehive. Additional added Paper Yant inside the Candle from Kruba Noi's magic formula. Great to Remove Poverty, illness, and Bad Luck. Supplied with temple pack. I highly recommend to you.

Before lighting the Candle, remove wrapping. Write your name, date-month-year on the candle, starting length-wise from bottom to top. Then make your wishes as desired.
Katha and Timetable have printed on box.***Please see the box.
Effect: Improve your luck tremendously, Ward Off Bad Luck, Great to Drive Away Misfortune and to be blessed with Longevity.

SOLD, Thanks for support.ndeja
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: 
dhammapath@hotmail.com / +6 016-5555291
See info Kruba Noi & Wat SidonMoon of temple journey at:

See more information of other temple at: 