Friday, May 31, 2024

(code:18198) ~ Amazing Black Phra Somdej Pim EwYai Lang Phra Sivali Nur Bailan With Genuine G-Pra Cert BE2515.

Price: Please Contact For Best Price.

Code: 18198 

Monk: Luang Phor Kuay.

Temple: Wat Kositaram, Chainat province.

Special: Black Phra Somdej Pim EwYai Lang Phra Sivali Nur Bailan With Genuine G-Pra Cert BE2515.

LP Kuay - Abbot of Wat Kositaram, Chainat province is one of the Powerful Monk all the time. LP Kuay was a disciple of LP Sri of Wat Phra Prang - Singburi province and LP Doem of Wat NongPho - Nakon Sawan province. LP Kuay's forefinger was so powerful, a glass would be broken when he pointed to the glass. Another story is about a mice that ate LP Kuay's amulet and had student try to stuck it by the sharp steel but can't go through its skin.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Luang Phor Kuay.
Temple: Wat Kositaram, Chainat province.
Special: This stunning Black Phra Somdej Pim EwYai Lang Phra Sivali Nur Bailan With Genuine G-Pra Cert (height 3.7cm) strongly blessed by LP Kuay in year BE2515 and released at Wat Panatta. Featured with stunning of Black Phra Somdej with Big waist image at front. Additional with sacred Forever Prosperity Phra Sivali image and sacred Yants at back side. This sacred Phra Somdej is made from sacred Holy Nur Bailan Powder materials. Supplied with Verified Genuine G-Pra certificate with QR codeI highly recommend to you.
Effect: Great for Wealthy & Prosperity, Increase luck tremendously, Smooth sailing in your life, Protection from bad influence and evil, Metta Mahalap, Good in business, Very good in protection from harm and danger, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do.
Please Contact For Best Price - Powerful Black 
Phra Somdej Pim EwYai Lang Phra Sivali Nur Bailan With Genuine G-Pra Cert by LP Kuay BE2515.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016 5555291
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(code:18197) ~ Charming Attraction Big Butterfly King Thep JamLang With 4 Gold Takruts & Metal Rian Butterfly BE2560.

Price: RM760.

Code: 18197

Monk: Kruba Krissana.

Temple: Wat Asromsatan.

Special: Big Butterfly King Thep JamLang With 4 Gold Takruts & Metal Rian Butterfly BE2560.

Kruba Krissana of Wat Asromsatan, he has been becomes a monk under Phra Kruba Pu who has been very well known in North of Thailand and he followed Phra Kruba Pu on tudong to Cambodia and Laos. Kruba Krissana spent 10 years studying Buddhist Holy Texts and practiced meditation in the forests and now Kruba Krissana is one of the best known in present day who is a guru master of unique Butterfly and Salika amulets style.
Thai Amulet Code: 

Monk: Kruba Krissana.
Temple: Wat Asromsatan.
Special: This is Excellent of Big Butterfly King Thep JamLang With 4 Gold Takruts & Metal Rian Butterfly (height 5cm) strongly blessed by Kruba Krissana in year BE2560. Featured sacred White image of Butterfly King Thep JamLang with Butterfly Yants with embedded Gemstones at front. Additional embedded with sacred 4 Gold Takrut, Metal Rian Butterfly and Gemstones at backBlessed by Kruba Krissana and recite “Thewa Nakri", the ancient magic for Great Kindness, Charming and Wealthy. He use his Holy soil, 108 herbs and flower powder, Mong Kao, oil, and so on. Use long time to blessing and passed many rituals. An exciting flowers fragrance from this Butterfly amulet. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: This kind of Butterfly amulet will make you more attractive and charms, Good Business Sales, Improve your luck in business, blessing for prosperous fortune and wealthy. Dissolving disharmony and discord between people. Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims.
MYR 760 - Excellent Big Butterfly King Thep JamLang With 4 Gold Takruts & Metal Rian Butterfly by Kruba Krissana BE2560.

(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide - Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Contact me by Email/Phone: / +6 016-5555291
See more info for this Great Monk Kruba Krissana at:

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(code:18196) ~ Collectible White Loop Om With Specific Yants Nur Guman Plaai + X-Ray Film BE2548.

Price: RM480 With X-Ray Film.

Code: 18196

Monk: Luang Phor Sackorn.

Temple: Wat Nong Krub.

Special: White Loop Om With Specific Yants Nur Guman Plaai + X-Ray Film BE2548.

LP Sackorn of Wat Nong Krub, Rayong Province, was a close disciple of Luang Phor Tim Isarigo, the famous sacred monk of Wat Lahanrai, Rayong Province. Luang Phor Sackorn also learned many sacred sciences from LP Peng, another sacred monk of Wat Lahanrai, who was very famous for his sacred spell, "Na” that could protect all worshippers from bullets and many other kinds of dangerous weapon. 
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Luang Phor Sackorn.
Temple: Wat Nong Krub.
Special: This is Powerful of White Loop Om With Specific Yants Nur Guman Plaai + X-Ray Film (Height 2.1cm) strongly blessed by LP Sackorn in year BE2548. This Superb Loop Om is made from sacred Mixed Guman Plaai powder materials with Holy Phong Powder materials. This sacred White Loop Om Guman Plaai is from LP Sackorn and created with many sacred Holy Powder to make it Efficacious Loop Om and added LP Tim's sacred Holy Guman Plaai powder materials. Additional the sacred White LoopOm with sacred Specific Yants at both surface. Featured with added amulet inside and scan with X-Ray film. Supplied with temple box and X-Ray film. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Increase luck tremendously, Wealth fetching, Good in business, Overall good luck, Metta, Family Harmony, Very good in protection from harm and danger, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do.
MYR 480 With X-Ray - Powerful White Loop Om With Specific Yants Nur Guman Plaai + X-Ray Film by LP Sackorn BE2548.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Contact me by Email/Phone: / +6 016-5555291
See more info of LP Sackorn or Wat NongKrub temple journey at:

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(code:18195) ~ Great Phra Somdej Pim 1 (Pim Yai) Yant Trinisinghe Nur 108 Kesorn BE2512.

Price: RM380.

Code: 18195

Monk: LP Pae & LP Toh.

Temple: Wat Phikulthong.

Special: Phra Somdej Pim 1 (Pim Yai) Yant Trinisinghe Nur 108 Kesorn BE2512.

Luang Phor Pae Khemangaro, one of the most respectful guru monk in Thailand. Most of his life was spent in the monk hood and he have given named Phra Dhammamuni by Royal. He was the abbot of Wat Phikulthong (Royal Monastery) and Monastery Master of Singburi Province.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: LP Pae & LP Toh.
Temple: Wat Phikulthong.
Special: This is Excellent Of Phra Somdej Pim 1 (Pim Yai) Yant Trinisinghe Nur 108 Kesorn (Height 3.7cm) strongly blessed by LP Pae and LP Toh (wat pradoochimplee) in year BE2512 and blessed 2 times (wat phikulthong & wat wihan khao) by LP Pae and LP Toh with many top monks. This is the stunning of Phra Somdej in highly valuable amulet and added old Sacred Powder, variant in mint condition. This sacred Phra Somdej Yant Trinisinghe is made from sacred 108 Kesorn powder materials and is Pim 1 for this Pim Yai size. Featured with sacred Phra Somdej image at front and sacred Yant Trinisinghe at the back of amulet. Its not often that we get an opportunity to acquire such a rare piece. Supplied with Temple Box. I highly recommend to you.      
Effect: For special great metta and successful in everything that you do (always do the good deeds), improve wealth fortune, can change bad luck to good luck, protection from harm and bad influence and evil etc...

MYR 380 - Excellent Phra Somdej Pim 1 (Pim Yai) Yant Trinisinghe Nur 108 Kesorn by LP Pae + LP Toh BE2512.

(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016 5555291
See more information of my journey to Wat Phikulthong at:
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Thursday, May 30, 2024

(code:18194) ~ Auspicious Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang MahaSetthi RoyPi 100 Years Old Batch Nur Bronze Silver BE2564.

Price: RM530.

Code: 18194

Monk: Luang Phor Phat.

Temple: Wat Huay Duan.

Special: Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang MahaSetthi RoyPi 100 Years Old Batch Nur Bronze Silver BE2564.

LP Phat born BE2465 ~ abbot of Wat Huay Duan, Nakhon Sawan province is an uncommon monk because he was a close disciple of LP Derm (Wat NongPho). Although LP Derm passed away many years ago, his holiness is said widely especially amulets from him. LP Phat mastered the dhamma and wicha from LP Derm, since in early monkhood BE2489 of LP Phat. LP Phat is highly respected especially in NongBua district, Nakhon Sawan province. He was more than 74 years of monkhood Phansa and now LP Phat still healthy and have many disciples. LP Phat has released several batches of amulets which always run out quickly because many people want to worship.
Thai Amulet Code: 

Monk: Luang Phor Phat.
Temple: Wat Huay Duan.
Special: This is Stunning Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang MahaSetthi RoyPi 100 Years Old Batch Nur Bronze Silver (Height 11cm) strongly blessed by LP Phat in year BE2564 for his 100 years old batch. This is stunning Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang is made from Bronze materials and with Ancient Silver on surface. Featured with sacred Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang image sitting on Treasures Box (with name details), Ingot Gold + Money Bag at front. Additional with sacred 100 year RoyPi & batch details at base and sacred Yants at back. Furthermore with embedded Khhun Chang amulet, Holy Powder Bottle (with Yant), Takrut (with series number) and Wooden + Rope at bottom. I highly recommend to you.
Khun Chang and Khun Paen are childhood friends in Suphanburi. Khun Paen is handsome and intelligent, but poor because the king has executed his father and seized their property. He enters the monkhood as a novice to get educated, excelling at military skills and love magic. Khun Chang is ugly and stupid, but rich and well-connected at the Ayutthaya court. Later they became enemy.
Effect: Bring more easy money, Bring Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Improve your luck and fortune, Making you to become influential people.

MYR 530 - Powerful Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang MahaSetthi RoyPi 100 Years Old Batch Nur Bronze Silver by LP Phat BE2564.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank. 
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016-5555291

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(code:18193) ~ Auspicious Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang MahaSetthi RoyPi 100 Years Old Batch Nur Bronze Golden BE2564.

Price: RM530.

Code: 18193

Monk: Luang Phor Phat.

Temple: Wat Huay Duan.

Special: Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang MahaSetthi RoyPi 100 Years Old Batch Nur Bronze Golden BE2564.

LP Phat born BE2465 ~ abbot of Wat Huay Duan, Nakhon Sawan province is an uncommon monk because he was a close disciple of LP Derm (Wat NongPho). Although LP Derm passed away many years ago, his holiness is said widely especially amulets from him. LP Phat mastered the dhamma and wicha from LP Derm, since in early monkhood BE2489 of LP Phat. LP Phat is highly respected especially in NongBua district, Nakhon Sawan province. He was more than 74 years of monkhood Phansa and now LP Phat still healthy and have many disciples. LP Phat has released several batches of amulets which always run out quickly because many people want to worship.
Thai Amulet Code: 

Monk: Luang Phor Phat.
Temple: Wat Huay Duan.
Special: This is Stunning Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang MahaSetthi RoyPi 100 Years Old Batch Nur Bronze Golden (Height 11cm) strongly blessed by LP Phat in year BE2564 for his 100 years old batch. This is stunning Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang is made from Bronze materials and partly coated Golden & painted Brown on surface. Featured with sacred Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang image sitting on Treasures Box (with name details), Ingot Gold + Money Bag at front. Additional with sacred 100 year RoyPi & batch details at base and sacred Yants at back. Furthermore with embedded Khhun Chang amulet, Holy Powder Bottle (with Yant), Takrut (with series number) and Rae Minerals Gems at bottom. I highly recommend to you.
Khun Chang and Khun Paen are childhood friends in Suphanburi. Khun Paen is handsome and intelligent, but poor because the king has executed his father and seized their property. He enters the monkhood as a novice to get educated, excelling at military skills and love magic. Khun Chang is ugly and stupid, but rich and well-connected at the Ayutthaya court. Later they became enemy.
Effect: Bring more easy money, Bring Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Improve your luck and fortune, Making you to become influential people.

MYR 530 - Powerful Bucha 4"(H) Khun Chang MahaSetthi RoyPi 100 Years Old Batch Nur Bronze Golden by LP Phat BE2564.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank. 
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016-5555291

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(code:18192) ~ Efficacious Phra Khun Paen (Mask) SaenLan + Takrut Nur PhongTub BE2566.

Price: SOLD

Code: 18192

Monk: LP Liang.

Temple: Wat JomKeat.

Special: Phra Khun Paen (Mask) SaenLan + Takrut Nur PhongTub BE2566.

LP Liang - Wat JomKeat, Ayutthaya province is popular for his Wicha Sakyant and created power amulet by his wicha knowledge. He was learnt from many Top monks at ayutthaya. Every year LP Liang hold the WaiKru ceremony in May and many devotees come for the blessing.
Thai Amulet Code:

Monk: LP Liang.
Temple: Wat JomKeat.
Special: This is Efficacious of Phra Khun Paen (Mask) SaenLan + Takrut Nur PhongTub (Height 4.3cm) strongly blessed by LP Liang in year BE2566 at Wat JomKeat. Featured with sacred image of Phra Khun Paen + Copper Mask, added Takrut, sacred Rae Gems Mineral and embedded Cast Metal Yant at front. Additional with sacred Yants, embedded Roop PhayaNak Naga, Rae Gems Mineral and sacred Kassa Jivorn at back. Furthermore with sacred Chop 2 Code Yant and series number at bottom. This sacred Phra Khun Paen SaenLan is made from sacred Mixed Nur Holy PhongTub Incense Ashes powder materials and total made 39pcs only. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Excellent for  Prosperity, Wealthy fetching, Good in dealing with ppl, Good in relationship, Improve to strong money luck and strong business luck, your business can grow when everything is going your way,Smooth sailing in life. 
SOLD, Thanks for support.jegyd
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Contact me by Email/Phone: / +6 016-5555291
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