Monday, May 31, 2021

(code:13868) ~ Amazing First Batch Phra Somdej MahaYant PhanLan Nur Holy Powder + Partly Golden BE2564.

Price: RM30 For One.

Code: 13868

Monk: LP Rak & LP Saman.

Temple: Wat Suttawas.

Special: First Batch Phra Somdej MahaYant PhanLan Nur Holy Powder + Partly Golden BE2564.

LP Rak - Wat Suttawas, currently making Poweful New amulets and Superb design. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. Currently Wat Suttawas had expanded new Building Hall, Ubosot, Buddha statue and Wiharn with supervise by LP Rak.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: LP Rak & LP Saman.
Temple: Wat Suttawas.
Special: This is Stunning & Efficacious First Batch Phra Somdej MahaYant PhanLan Nur Holy Powder + Partly Golden (Height 3.6cm) strongly blessed by LP Rak and LP Saman in year BE2564. This stunning image of Special Phra Somdej with sacred MahaYant + Wealth Fishes image + Partly Golden at front. Featured with sacred Yants + name details at back. Additional with sacred Chop Code + series number at bottom. This sacred Phra Somdej MahaYant is made from sacred Holy Powder materials + Old amulet Mae Chee Boon Ruen and total made 299pcs only. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Increase luck tremendously, Wealth fetching, Good in business, Overall good luck, Metta, Family Harmony, Very good in protection from harm and danger, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do, Wealthy Fetching, Prosperity.
MYR 30 For One (no:1,2 sold) - Auspicious 
First Batch Phra Somdej MahaYant PhanLan Nur Holy Powder + Partly Golden by LP Rak & LP Saman BE2564.
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank. 
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016-5555291
See more info LP Rak & Wat Suttawas at: 
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(code:13869) ~ Powerful First Batch Phra Somdej MahaYant PhanLan Nur Holy Powder + Partly Golden BE2564.

Price: RM30 For One.

Code: 13869

Monk: LP Rak & LP Saman.

Temple: Wat Suttawas.

Special: First Batch Phra Somdej MahaYant PhanLan Nur Holy Powder + Partly Golden BE2564.

LP Rak - Wat Suttawas, currently making Poweful New amulets and Superb design. He has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. Currently Wat Suttawas had expanded new Building Hall, Ubosot, Buddha statue and Wiharn with supervise by LP Rak.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: LP Rak & LP Saman.
Temple: Wat Suttawas.
Special: This is Stunning & Efficacious First Batch Phra Somdej MahaYant PhanLan Nur Holy Powder + Partly Golden (Height 3.6cm) strongly blessed by LP Rak and LP Saman in year BE2564. This stunning image of Special Phra Somdej with sacred MahaYant + Wealth Fishes image + Partly Golden at front. Featured with sacred Yants + name details at back. Additional with sacred Chop Code + series number at bottom. This sacred Phra Somdej MahaYant is made from sacred Holy Powder materials + Old amulet Mae Chee Boon Ruen and total made 299pcs only. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Increase luck tremendously, Wealth fetching, Good in business, Overall good luck, Metta, Family Harmony, Very good in protection from harm and danger, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do, Wealthy Fetching, Prosperity.
MYR 30 For One (no:2 sold) - Auspicious 
First Batch Phra Somdej MahaYant PhanLan Nur Holy Powder + Partly Golden by LP Rak & LP Saman BE2564.
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank. 
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016-5555291
See more info LP Rak & Wat Suttawas at: 
See other temple's journey at:

(code:13870) ~ Efficacious Power Phra Somdej Roon Sorng With Rae Nur Phong BE2558 By CK Udom.

Price: RM250.

Code: 13870

Monk: CK Udom

Temple: Wat Tham Wattana Mongkol.

Special: Phra Somdej Roon Sorng With Rae Nur Phong BE2558.

CK Udom the abbot of Wat Tham Wattana Mongkol, located far away from Rayong city, is a great teacher of Meditation and Dhamma teaching. Currently many celebrities and artists include local devotees and Royal Navy were respect him very much.
Thai Amulet Code: 

Monk: CK Udom
Temple: Wat Tham Wattana Mongkol.
Special: This is Superb Efficacious of Phra Somdej Roon Sorng With Rae Nur Phong (Height 3.8cm) strongly blessed by CK Udom and released in year BE2558. This is Superb Efficacious of Phra Somdej is made from sacred Holy Powder materials with added sacred Rae materials at front. Additional with Chop Yants and Hand Write Yant at back. Highly collectible, in excellent condition and entirely genuine.  

Effect: Increase Luck Tremendously, Wealth fetching, Good in business, Overall good luck, Metta, Family Harmony, Very good in protection from harm and danger, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do, Wealthy Fetching, Prosperity.

MYR 250 - Powerful Phra Somdej Roon Sorng With Rae Nur Phong by CK Udom BE2558.

(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept PayPal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016 5555291
See other temples journey at:

(code:13867) ~ Efficacious First Batch Phra Somdej Lang PhayaTao Turtle King Nur Brass BE2553 By LP Prom.

Price: SOLD.

Code: 13867

Monk: LP Prom.

Temple: Wat Paranupat, Pattani province.

Special: First Batch Phra Somdej Lang PhayaTao Turtle King Nur Brass BE2553.

LP Prom - Wat Paranupat - Pattani province. LP Prom get fame by his 'jumping Hanuman' amulets. During the consecrated the Phra Hanuman amulets were 'jumping' out from his amulet bowl. Many miracle experiences happened are reported by the Thai soldiers after worn LP Prom amulets.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: LP Prom.
Temple: Wat Paranupat, Pattani province.
Special: This is stunning of Superb First Batch Phra Somdej Lang PhayaTao Turtle King Nur Brass (height 3.9cm) strongly blessed by LP Prom - Wat Paranupat in year BE2553. This Efficacious First Batch Phra Somdej is made from sacred Holy Nur Brass Metal materials. Featured with Phra Somdej image at front and sacred Specific PhayaTao Turtle King Yants at back. Additional with Chop Codes and Chop series number at back. According to the Chinese traditional Feng Shui science “Tow” or turtle is a kind of Good Fortune animal because they just kept on walking forward and onward and never backwards, a sign of prosperity, fertility, and long life. Supplied with original temple box. I highly recommend to you.  

Effect: Improve your luck and fortune, Bring Properity and Longevity, Bring succees in Business, Power and feeling of secure, Fertility and Long life. Wealthy fetching, Dispel all evil dangers and troubles, Protects home from negative energies.

SOLD, Thanks for support.jemtha
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied)Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank. 
Contact me by Email/Phone: / +6 016 5555291 
See info LP Prom & Wat Paranupat temple journey at:  
See more information of other temple at:

Sunday, May 30, 2021

(code:13866) ~ Auspicious Power JatuKham RamaThep 9 Gold Takruts Roon Thep Hanuman Sriwichai Nur Wahn BE2547.

Price: SOLD.

Code: 13866

Monk: 108 Top Monks Blessed In Grand Ceremony.

Temple: Wat Mahathat & Wat RatPradit.

Special: JatuKham RamaThep 9 Gold Takruts Roon Thep Hanuman Sriwichai Nur Wahn BE2547.

Wat Mahathat is Royal First Class temple in Nakhon Si Thammarat, Southern of Thailand. This temple is Origin temple of Jatukham Ramathep and formerly known as Wat Phra BoromThat. Wat Mahathat is enshrined the Buddha Relic at the Great Unshadow Chedi. This stunning amulet was strongly blessed by Top Monks in Grand Ceremony that hold at Lak Muang - City Pillar and Wat Mahathat - Nakhon Si Thammarat.
Thai Amulet Code: 13866
Monk: 108 Top Monks Blessed In Grand Ceremony.
Temple: Wat Mahathat & Wat RatPradit.
Special: This is Powerful JatuKham RamaThep 9 Gold Takruts Roon Thep Hanuman Sriwichai Nur Wahn (Height 4.6cm) strongly blessed by 108 Top Monks in Grand Ceremony in year BE2547. Featured stunning images of Jatukam RamaThep with King Serpent at top, Hand Write Yant and 8 Phra Rahu image at front. This sacred of Jatukham RamaThep is made from sacred Nur Wahn materials with coated Gold Dust on surface. Additional with sacred Phra Hanuman, 12 Animals Zodiac, sacred Yants and added 9 Gold Takruts at back. This sacred Jatukham Ramathep Roon Thep Hanuman is blessed at Wat Mahathat, Viharn Soong Lak Muang, Pakpanang Sea and Wat Kaokunpom by 108 Top monks included monks from Wat Kao Or. Highly collectible, in excellent condition and entirely genuine. Supplied with original temple box. I highly recomment to you.
Effect: Strong blessing fortune, Protection from harm and danger, Smooth sailing in life, Overcome all obstacles in life, Good in business, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do, Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims.
SOLD, Thanks for support.kwhj
(Free Courier Fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms & Conditions Applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank. 
Contact me by Email/Phone : / +6016 5555291

See Info Jatukham RamaThep & Wat Mahathat temple journey at:  
See more information of other interesting temple at:

(code:13863) ~ Ajahn Khun Pan Blessed Special Golden Mask Jatukham RamaThep PutthaMahaWet - Partly Golden With Phra Rahu Nur Phong BE2548.

Price: SOLD.

Code: 13863 

Monk: Ajahn Khun Pan, LP Chum & Top Monks.

Temple: Wat Salapai, Nakhon Si Thammarat.

Special: Special Golden Mask Jatukham RamaThep PutthaMahaWet - Partly Golden With Phra Rahu Nur Phong BE2548.

Ajahn Khun Pan (Khun Phantharak Rajadej), former chief of Police in the old days.  Ajahn Khun Pan believed to be the last commoner holding the noble title Khun(General), died of old age in Nakhon Si Thammarat aged 103. His body was given royal bathing rites. Ajahn Khun Pan is very well-known for his Visha (magic) and was frequently invited to participate in amulet consecration ceremonies around Thailand.  
Thai Amulet Code:

Monk: Ajahn Khun Pan, LP Chum & Top Monks.
Temple: Wat Salapai, Nakhon Si Thammarat.
Special: This is Efficacious of Special Golden Mask Jatukham RamaThep PutthaMahaWet - Partly Golden With Phra Rahu Nur Phong (Height 5cm) strongly blessed by Ajahn Khun Pan, LP Chum & Top Monks in year BE2548. This sacred Golden Mask Jatukham Ramathep image with Hand Write Yants, Naga and Lak Muang images at front. Additional with image Jatukham RamaThep image, Zodiac 12 Animals, sacred Specific Yants and name details at back and with Chop Code & series number 331 at bottom. This sacred JatuKham RamaThep PutthaMahaWet is made from sacred Nur Holy Powder materials with mixed Special Holy Wood materials and partly painted Golden at front. Supplied with temple box. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Strong blessing fortune, Protection from harm and danger, Smooth sailing in life, Overcome all obstacles in life, Good in business, Good opportunity and successful in everything that you do, Grants wishes and helps you achieve your aims


SOLD, Thanks for support.eywd
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Rent and Contact me by Email/Phone: / +6 016-5555291
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