Thursday, February 29, 2024

(code:17840) ~ Special Phayant 9 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon + AhPek RongSee Nur Yellow Cloth BE2566 By Wat San Chao - 本头公.

Price: RM300.

Code: 17840 

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.

Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).

Special: Phayant 9 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon + AhPek RongSee Nur Yellow Cloth BE2566.

Wat San Chao with Chinese Shrine of 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng), is a longtime well-known temple in Pathum Thani province. "San Chao" means "shrine" because this temple has Ben Tou Gong Shrine built and bestowed by "Grandpa Kimkoey" or famously known as "Ahpek Rong See". The well-known of AhPek Rong See ~ Grandpa Kimkoey is a Chinese old man who settled in Thailand and he was usually went to the Chinese shrine at Wat San Chao in Pathum Thani Province. He was a owner of a rice mill and local people called him "AhPek Rong See".  He is well known by his Wicha and Feng Shui teaching and like to help people and teach them to do good things. People often asked him for a favor about Feng Shui of their houses, establishments and their ancestors' graves and most of them were later prosperous in business.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.
Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).
Special: This is Powerful of Phayant 9 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon + AhPek RongSee Nur Yellow Cloth (Height 39cmX28cm) strongly blessed by Top Monks in year BE2566 at Wat San Chao ~ Shrine 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng). Featured stunning image of Phayant 9 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon & AhPek RongSee (colours) with imprinted Green Line at front. Additional with sacred Temple Chop + series number and name details at front. This sacred Phayant Yant FahPrathanPon is made from Yellow Cloth materials. This is the Phayant that I can highly recommend to you.

Effect: Increase Good Luck tremendously, Good for business, Smooth sailing in life, Protection from bad influence and evil, Bring Prosperity & Wealthy fetching.

MYR 300 - Excellent 
Phayant 9 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon + AhPek RongSee Nur Yellow Cloth by Wat San Chao ~ Shrine 本头公 BE2566.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms and conditions applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016 5555291

See more Wat San Chao temple journey at: 
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(code:17839) ~ Special Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Yellow Cloth BE2566 By Wat San Chao - 本头公.

Price: RM300.

Code: 17839

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.

Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).

Special: Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Yellow Cloth BE2566.

Wat San Chao with Chinese Shrine of 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng), is a longtime well-known temple in Pathum Thani province. "San Chao" means "shrine" because this temple has Ben Tou Gong Shrine built and bestowed by "Grandpa Kimkoey" or famously known as "Ahpek Rong See". The well-known of AhPek Rong See ~ Grandpa Kimkoey is a Chinese old man who settled in Thailand and he was usually went to the Chinese shrine at Wat San Chao in Pathum Thani Province. He was a owner of a rice mill and local people called him "AhPek Rong See".  He is well known by his Wicha and Feng Shui teaching and like to help people and teach them to do good things. People often asked him for a favor about Feng Shui of their houses, establishments and their ancestors' graves and most of them were later prosperous in business.
Thai Amulets Code: 17839

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.
Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).
Special: This is Powerful of Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Yellow Cloth (Height 39cmX28cm) strongly blessed by Top Monks in year BE2566 at Wat San Chao ~ Shrine 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng). Featured stunning image of Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon (Fan Shape) with imprinted Green Line at front. Additional with sacred Temple Chop + series number and name details at front. This sacred Phayant Yant FahPrathanPon is made from Yellow Cloth materials. This is the Phayant that I can highly recommend to you.

Effect: Increase Good Luck tremendously, Good for business, Smooth sailing in life, Protection from bad influence and evil, Bring Prosperity & Wealthy fetching.

MYR 300 - Excellent 
Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Yellow Cloth by Wat San Chao ~ Shrine 本头公 BE2566.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms and conditions applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016 5555291

See more Wat San Chao temple journey at: 
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(code:17838) ~ Special Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Yellow Cloth BE2566 By Wat San Chao - 本头公.

Price: RM300.

Code: 17838

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.

Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).

Special: Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Yellow Cloth BE2566.

Wat San Chao with Chinese Shrine of 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng), is a longtime well-known temple in Pathum Thani province. "San Chao" means "shrine" because this temple has Ben Tou Gong Shrine built and bestowed by "Grandpa Kimkoey" or famously known as "Ahpek Rong See". The well-known of AhPek Rong See ~ Grandpa Kimkoey is a Chinese old man who settled in Thailand and he was usually went to the Chinese shrine at Wat San Chao in Pathum Thani Province. He was a owner of a rice mill and local people called him "AhPek Rong See".  He is well known by his Wicha and Feng Shui teaching and like to help people and teach them to do good things. People often asked him for a favor about Feng Shui of their houses, establishments and their ancestors' graves and most of them were later prosperous in business.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.
Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).
Special: This is Powerful of Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Yellow Cloth (Height 39cmX28cm) strongly blessed by Top Monks in year BE2566 at Wat San Chao ~ Shrine 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng). Featured stunning image of Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon with imprinted Green Line at front. Additional with sacred Temple Chop + series number and name details at front. This sacred Phayant Yant FahPrathanPon is made from Yellow Cloth materials. This is the Phayant that I can highly recommend to you.

Effect: Increase Good Luck tremendously, Good for business, Smooth sailing in life, Protection from bad influence and evil, Bring Prosperity & Wealthy fetching.

MYR 300 - Excellent 
Phayant 10 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Yellow Cloth by Wat San Chao ~ Shrine 本头公 BE2566.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms and conditions applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016 5555291

See more Wat San Chao temple journey at: 
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(code:17837) ~ Amazing Special Leklai Kohlan With Stainless Steel Casing BE2565 By Phra Ajahn Pon.

Price: SOLD

Code: 17837

Monk: Phra Ajahn Pon.

Temple: Wat Khao Huai Haeng.

Special: Special Leklai Kohlan With Stainless Steel Casing BE2565.

Phra Ajahn Pon - Wat Khao Huai Haeng, one of the good monk with studying wicha and dhamma based in cave. He dedicated to built temple inside the cave by named Wat Khao Huai Haeng. He has deep magical knowledge of Lek Lai (supernatural mineral) and consecrated in amulets for competence to help devotees.
Thai Amulets Code: 17837

Monk: Phra Ajahn Pon.
Temple: Wat Khao Huai Haeng.
Special: This is Superb Powerful of Special Leklai Kohlan With Stainless Steel Casing (Height 3.1cm) strongly blessed by Phra Ajahn Pon in year BE2565. Featured efficacious sacred Special Leklai Kohlan on surface and added with Stainless Steel Casing. Additional with sacred Laser Yant, name details and series number at back. The sacred Special Leklai is made from Supernatural Leklai Kohlan with added stainless Steel casing and total made 200pcs only. Supplied with temple paper. I highly recommend to you.
Effect: Protection from harm and all kind of danger, Deflect away black magic and bad luck, Overcome all obstacles in life & Smooth sailing in life, Increase Luck Tremendously, Good in business, Bring good protection for your daily life, increase physical energy and help blood circulation and stay healthy and body system work effectively, Help balance body energy, Mind and sleep easily.
SOLD, Thanks for support.gmpd
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide - Terms & Conditions Apply) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
 Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016 5555291
See more information of other temple at:

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

(code:17836) ~ Superb Ring Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Brass BE2566 By Wat San Chao.

Price: RM130 For One.

Code: 17836

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.

Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).

Special: Ring Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Brass BE2566.

Wat San Chao with Chinese Shrine of 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng), is a longtime well-known temple in Pathum Thani province. "San Chao" means "shrine" because this temple has Ben Tou Gong Shrine built and bestowed by "Grandpa Kimkoey" or famously known as "Ahpek Rong See". The well-known of AhPek Rong See ~ Grandpa Kimkoey is a Chinese old man who settled in Thailand and he was usually went to the Chinese shrine at Wat San Chao in Pathum Thani Province. He was a owner of a rice mill and local people called him "AhPek Rong See".  He is well known by his Wicha and Feng Shui teaching and like to help people and teach them to do good things. People often asked him for a favor about Feng Shui of their houses, establishments and their ancestors' graves and most of them were later prosperous in business.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.
Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).
Special: This is Powerful of Ring Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Brass (Diameter 1.9cm & Adjustable) strongly blessed by Top Monks in year BE2566 at Wat San Chao. Featured stunning image of Ring Yant FahPrathanPon at front and sacred Yant at both side surface. Additional with sacred name details, Chop Code + series number at inside surface.Furthermore with design can Adjustable for big diameter for you to wear. This sacred Ring Yant FahPrathanPon is made from Brass materialsSupplied with temple casing. This is one amulet that I can highly recommend to you.

Effect: Increase Good Luck tremendously, Good for business, Smooth sailing in life, Protection from bad influence and evil, Bring Prosperity & Wealthy fetching.

MYR 130 For One - Powerful 
Ring Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Brass by Wat San Chao BE2566.
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms and conditions applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016 5555291

See more Wat San Chao temple journey at: 
See more information of other interesting temple at:

(code:17835) ~ Blessing Small Phayant 1 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Cloth (Hanger & Tassle) BE2566.

Price: SOLD

Code: 17835

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.

Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).

Special: Small Phayant 1 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Cloth (Hanger & Tassle) BE2566.

Wat San Chao with Chinese Shrine of 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng), is a longtime well-known temple in Pathum Thani province. "San Chao" means "shrine" because this temple has Ben Tou Gong Shrine built and bestowed by "Grandpa Kimkoey" or famously known as "Ahpek Rong See". The well-known of AhPek Rong See ~ Grandpa Kimkoey is a Chinese old man who settled in Thailand and he was usually went to the Chinese shrine at Wat San Chao in Pathum Thani Province. He was a owner of a rice mill and local people called him "AhPek Rong See".  He is well known by his Wicha and Feng Shui teaching and like to help people and teach them to do good things. People often asked him for a favor about Feng Shui of their houses, establishments and their ancestors' graves and most of them were later prosperous in business.
Thai Amulets Code: 

Monk: Mass Chanted by Top Monks.
Temple: Wat San Chao - 本头公 (Běn tóu gōng).
Special: This is Powerful of Small Phayant 1 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon Nur Cloth (Hanger & Tassle) (Height 9.5cmX7cm) strongly blessed by Top Monks in year BE2566 at Wat San Chao. Featured stunning image of Phayant 1 Ga - Yant FahPrathanPon (laminated with Plastic) at front. Additional with sacred added with Rope Hanger and Tassle. This sacred Amulet Phayant Yant FahPrathanPon is made from Cloth materials. This is one amulet that I can highly recommend to you.

Effect: Increase Good Luck tremendously, Good for business, Smooth sailing in life, Protection from bad influence and evil, Bring Prosperity & Wealthy fetching.
SOLD, Thanks for support.whga
(Free courier fee & Shipping Worldwide-Terms and conditions applied) Accept Paypal, Western Union, Maybank, Public Bank.
Rent and Email/Phone no. to: / +6 016 5555291

See more Wat San Chao temple journey at: 
See more information of other interesting temple at: